SLART: SvOlli's Little Audio Related Thingies
This page is intended to grow as the project grows.
"SvOlli's Little Audio Related Thingies", or "SLART" for short, is a
collection of tools I hacked together myself for myself. These tools,
once complete, will cover every aspect of handling audio files I came
up with.
These tools are
Some of these programs are rather useless if they are not used together
with at least one of the others.
Current stable Version is 0.8.0
The binary packages include DerMixD checked
out from official subversion repository (commit #858), with libmpg123
1.12.4 statically compiled in.
- 2010-11-14
- The days of source code only releases is over with the full release
if 0.8.0. This one features a lot of changes. Additionally to the
stuff already mentioned below, like the build system, the new IPC bus
and the new application "Notorious" it also includes the following:
- the CD ripper "Stripped" can now encode a track to more than
one target format and support for FLAC was added, if mp3 is not
mentioned, you are missing the package containing the lame library
on your system; there is also an option to display the error codes
from the ripping library
- drag'n'drop has been greatly improved for most applications
- most programs detect if there is another instance running already,
quiting if this is the case
- Partyman can now enqueue tracks from command line, even if no other
instance is running
- a lot of bugfixes
- 2010-09-07
- Finally enough loose ends have been put together to justify another
source code only release. A lot of small but nasty bugs have been
fixed, and a new application, "Notorious", is introduced with this
release. It is the answer to the question "I want to buy the track
X, on which CDs is it?". You can import the
FreeDB tar.bz2 archive and the
browse through it. But an even bigger change is that a new component
called "Magic" (named after the song by "The Cars") is used for
providing audio encoders (FLAC, OGG, MP3, and WAV). These are loaded
as plugins by "Stripped".
- 2010-03-28
- No new release, but some news anyway. I've dicided to postpone the
integration of the Qt statemachines at a later point, when Qt 4.6
is more common in the Linux distributions. Anyway, a large part of
Stripped has been rewritten. Now the application is multithreaded
and FLAC encoding has been added. Biggest task to be done before the
0.8 release will be the recreation of automated package building.
- 2010-02-18
- The web server test application is now capable of reloading the page,
when a new Satellite message is received. Something nice to play
with. ;-)
- 2010-02-14
- Release of 0.7.91. Again, only available via git. This features the
migration of the interprocess communication from UDP to TCP. The
component has been renamed from SLARTCom to Satellite (named after
the song "Satellite To Satellite" by Falco - or "Satellite" by The
Hooters, you choose). More details about the "Satellite"
inter-process communication is available here.
- 2010-01-27
- Release of 0.7.90. This is the first step on the way to 0.8.0. Since
there are several fundamental changes planned for 0.8.0, an interim
release will be made for each step. These releases are provided via
git only, as they might not be as stable as 0.7.5. This release focuses
on the build system. The old one was inteded for sharing the same
source code for different platforms using network filesystems. The new
one drops this in favor of cross-compile builds, which were not possible
with the old one. Instead of compiling in an architecture-named
directory all code will be now located in a directory named "build".
This should make cross-compiling easier. The other two major changes
planned are changing SLARTCom from UDP to TCP and changing the self
implemented finite state machine(s) to the ones introduced with
Qt 4.6.
- 2009-12-25
- The last release was missing the bundled dermixd, and no-one told me.
I updated the installation images, please make sure that the ones
you use are above 1MB in size. Sorry if I caused you any inconvenience.
- 2009-12-19
- New release with no new features, only some minor bugfixes and
cosmetical changes. Next release is supposed to be 0.8.0 featuring
changes in some core elements, like SLARTCom, the build system and
the organization of the source code.
- 2009-07-12
- Finally a new release, changes include:
- Qt Style Sheet support: now you can change the look and feel of
the application in a rather simple way, similar to the Cascating
Style Sheets of HTML.
- Funkytown now does proper cookie handling, a referer and user agent.
Still, it does not work with MySpace anymore.
- Partyman's next button will now lock if skipping is not possible
at the moment "remembering" it, to skip as soon as possible.
- Complete rewrite of handling of command line options.
- Applications menu entries.
- Some small bug fixes.
- 2009-07-01
- I did some further analysis on MySpace. To me it looks like they're
tunneling RTMPE though HTTP. I've got no intensions in investigating
this topic any further, since I've downloaded only two or three mp3s
per month from MySpace. If anyone presents me with a working solution
to this problem, I'm more than willing to integrate it, but my
priorities are not gettings Funkytown working with MySpace again.
- 2009-06-28
- MySpace have changed access to mp3s, so Funkytown does not work with
MySpace anymore. The access to the mp3s have been changed from http
to rtmp. The solution to this problem would be including rtmpdump, but
that has been banned by legal threats of Adobe. (German Link, Original
Document from Adobe.)
- 2009-06-27
- The git repository was moved. It is now available at
for the internet access impaired.
The old one has been provided with a redirector, so it should continue
to work.
- 2009-04-20
- Released Version 0.7.3.
This release has the main focus is on Funkytown:
- The whole parsing engine has been rewritten from scratch.
- Will now download mp3s displayed in current MySpace player.
- Standalone downloads for Windows and MacOS X.
Also some minor improvements made it into Partyman:
- F-keys now change tabs.
- Updated documentation.
And some build-scripts have been reworked.
- 2009-03-31
- The 32 bit version of DerMixD bundled with SLART is broken. A new
version will be released because of that very soon.
In the
meantime you can use these replacement DerMixDs.
- 2009-03-28
- Released Version 0.7.2.
Features and bugfixes for Partyman include:
- Mouse wheel can be used for fast forward/rewind.
- Kiosk mode.
- Umlauts in parameters were broken.
- Some small enhencements.
- Fixes for bugs that occur only on very rare occasions.
- Added rpm archives converted with alien.
- 2009-01-24
- Released Version 0.7.1.
Release cycles will now include also minor improvments and bugfixes,
not only the big steps. Features and bugfixes include:
- Tray icon can now be clicked on for pause and double clicked for
next track.
- The warning "Object::connect: No such signal
MainWidget::requestChangeTitle(QIcon,QString)" has been fixed.
- A lockup when dermixd reported an error during decoding has been
- Changed slider behavior: if the slider bar, but not the slider
has been clicked on, the slider jumps to that position.
- 2009-01-09
- Released Version 0.7.
- 2009-01-08
- Owning an Eee PC? Precompiled SLART is availablex
- 2009-01-05
- Code in git repository has gone from 0.7α to 0.7β.
Everyone who can build SLART from source is invited for a test drive.
Expect the 0.7 release in the course of this month.
- 2008-08-04
- Hacking still continues, the next version will feature using an sqlite
database for much faster startup time (1 to 3 seconds with
~20000 tracks instead of ~30 seconds), a setup wizard and much more.
Stay tuned for the next release, or if you want to test the development
version, I can provide you with very straight-forward instructions on
how to setup an environment for compiling SLART yourself.
- 2008-05-17
- Some more features, some bugs fixed, and now Version 0.6 is ready.
- 2008-04-06
- Screenshots added.
- 2008-04-05
- A beta release of SLART ist now available, expect the release
next weekend... if no serious bugs are discovered.
- 2008-03-16
- Although I did some research on the name "SLAT", I didn't know until
now, that there is already a tool with that name. So my "SLAT" has
been renamed to "SLART".
- 2008-03-15
- Added first version of Creep. Remote control handling is done
by using the lirc client library.
- 2008-02-27
- Added first version of Karmadrome, which should now be usable.
- 2008-02-22
- The current development version can be checked out via git.
Known bugs:
Bug |
verified |
workaround |
Message on first startup: "Object::connect: No such signal
MainWidget::requestChangeTitle(QIcon,QString)" |
yes |
just ignore (was in 0.7.2, was fixed with 0.7.3) |
Partyman not playing anything, because 32Bit Version of
bundled DerMixD broken |
yes |
use seperate DerMixD provided on this side
(was in 0.7.2, was fixed with 0.7.3) |
Feature Requests:
Development Version:
The current development version can be checked out via git:
git clone git://
or, I've you're stuck behind a firewall with http access only:
git clone
There's a script available that installs all the packages needed for
compiling SLART. It's been successfully tested on
Ubuntu and
Tiny Core Linux. You'll find
it in the directory named "extra", the script itself is named
If you've got any questions, feel free to contact me by writing an email
to slart at svolli dot dynxs dot de.
Partyman also needs
DerMixD for playing anything and
mpg123 for playing mp3s. For more Details
take a look at the Partyman Website.
This software is free software and distributed under the
license terms of the GPL.
Enjoy, SvOlli
